Southern Regional Drought Resilience Planning

Our Vision

The people, organisations and systems in Southern Tasmania all work together in a proactive and coordinated way to make our region strong so that we can thrive no matter the climate.

A strong, resilient region means:

Flourishing communities who understand and support each other

Prosperous local economies, where buisinesses thrive and provide jobs even when conditions are tough

Resilient landscapes, from the bush to the farm

A climate-conscious built environment that is deigned to be resilient, efficient and sustainable.

Be part of the Conversation and Help Build our Regional Plan

Resilience is being able to adapt to new challenges and thrive through change. It requires a connected community, thriving ecosystems, prosperous local economies and adaptive systems. From ecosystem function to small business viability to food production, the impacts of our changing climate are being felt locally. This is an opportunity to be part of the solution.

We spent the first 6 months connecting with stakeholders and collating a series of themes and goals based on feedback to our baseline survey and these conversations. Then we hosted a series of Community Conversations (16 across the region) todelve a bit deeper and determine what needs to happen to achieve these goals and collate ideas for specific projects, initiatives, actions that will get us there. In these sessions, the diverse perspectives of over 300 people came together to exploreboth the practical actions and systemic changes needed to prepare for and cope with drought and increasing climate variability.

The next step is a series of Pathways to Resilience workshops, which will bring key community members and other subject matter experts together to further refine ideas, determine strategic actions and develop clear pathways toward achieving the goals identified through the planning process. All of the ideas and insights generated through these workshops and conversations to date willinform development of ourRegional Drought Resilience Plan and funding its implementation over the coming years.

As part of the project, we have published three regional reports. These provide a starting point for understanding drought impacts and risks in our regions. We would appreciate your feedback and suggestions, as we aim to ground-truth these reports over the course of the project.

Read the full Southern Region Drought Risk, Resilience & Adaptive Capacity Data Report.

Read the Southern Report Executive Summary