Southern Regional Drought Resilience Planning

Our Vision

The people, organisations and systems in Southern Tasmania all work together in a proactive and coordinated way to make our region strong so that we can thrive no matter the climate.

A strong, resilient region means:

Flourishing communities who understand and support each other

Prosperous local economies, where buisinesses thrive and provide jobs even when conditions are tough

Resilient landscapes, from the bush to the farm

A climate-conscious built environment that is deigned to be resilient, efficient and sustainable.

As part of the project, we have published three regional reports. These provide a starting point for understanding drought impacts and risks in our regions. We would appreciate your feedback and suggestions, as we aim to ground-truth these reports over the course of the project.

Read the full Southern Region Drought Risk, Resilience & Adaptive Capacity Data Report.

Read the Southern Report Executive Summary